

MLS Listing Exclusion Form

This form is used for an Exclusive Office Listing, which is a listing that, pursuant to the wishes of the seller, is not submitted to the Multiple Listing Service, or the Washington County Board (“MLS”). This form can be used in cases where the sellers are not ready to put the home on the market for various reasons. Typically, the main reason is that the home is in need of repairs, cleaning, pictures, etc. but the listing is taken before it’s ready.

The MLS Rules require that the following two conditions be met when filing this form:

  1. The property owner, listing agent, and listing broker must sign and complete this form;
  2. This form must be submitted to the MLS within one (1) business day after the listing agreement has been signed by the seller.

If item #2 above is not followed, the MLS can levy a fine if it comes to their attention that a listing was taken, not put on the MLS within 1 day, and no Exclusion Form was sent to them.

NOTE: The New Clear Cooperation Policy took effect February 1, 2020.  This exclusion policy is still in use for the marketing of Office listings, and listings not marketed to the public.  See the Clear Cooperation Policy in Broker Support.